If you are a subcontractor or looking to start your own business, a company structure may help you minimise your risk and taxation. We have created the following packages to cater for those who want the bare essentials, right through the the complete package for when you want to get down to business.
Inclusions | Starter Package | Complete Package |
Cost | $1100 | $1430 |
Your choice of company name* | Yes | Yes |
Your choice of shareholders | Yes | Yes |
Your choice of Directors | Yes | Yes |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | Yes | Yes |
Certificate of Registration | Yes | Yes |
Company Constitution | Yes | Yes |
ABN Registration | Yes | |
TFN Registration | Yes | |
GST Registration | Yes | |
PAYG Withholding Registration | Yes | |
Xero set up and 30 day trial | Yes |
*Subject to availability
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation